Vale of Dreams

And the moment for surprises has arrived…

Vale of Dreams
Vale of Dreams by C.N. Crawford & Alex Rivers, reviewed by Fae Reviews

🎥 In a Snapshot



Vale of Dreams (Fey Spy Academy #2)

🔗Author: C.N. Crawford & Alex Rivers
I received an advanced copy of this book.

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Vale of Dreams - Audio Review

Check out my review of the first book, Avalon Tower, here!


This is for sure, C.N. Crawford’s best piece—and I mean the whole series. Whether Alex Rivers has something to do or not, I can appreciate the evolution in plot construction.

What to Expect

  • Unexpected attraction
  • Love triangle
  • Repeated heartbreak
  • Fake relationship
  • One bed, forced proximity
  • Impressive evolution of FMC
  • Twists and surprises
  • New locations
  • Multiple battle fronts
  • High-level of risk
  • Interesting ending with cliffhanger
  • Good pace

What I Missed

  • Because the characters had multiple fronts to battle with, some plot lines and characters interventions are left hanging, slightly forgotten.
Do we really have to wait until March 2025 for Lady of the Lake, the conclusion to this series? 💔

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