How Many Books Make The Empyrean Series?
Some compare it with Harry Potter and the like thanks to its booming fandom. Find out everything you need to know about it.

Already Published
1. "Fourth Wing"

Meant to become a scribe, Violet is being forced to train as a dragon rider—a perilous enterprise. Beware of the other cadets and the dragons that might burn you instead of bond! With a fragile body but courageous soul, she’ll venture in this life-threatening adventure in the mist of a war with enemies inside and outside, and a challenge involving her heart.
- Violet Sorrengail—daughter of the director of Basqiath, the military academy.
- Xaden Riorson—enemy of the Sorrengail’s and powerful leader and dragon rider.
Worth-Mentioning Secondary:
- Dain Aetos—Violet’s childhood friend and possible ally
- Liam Mairi—Violet’s bodyguard
- Andarna—the funniest and coolest of dragons
- Jack Barlowe—the academy bully and Violet’s most outspoken enemy
This book focuses mainly in Violet’s personal journey and challenges through her first year in Basgiath.
2. "Iron Flame"

Violet has survived her first year in Basgiath. Body strengthened, obstacles overcome, dragon bonded… She even fell for her ‘enemy.’ But more secrets are revealed, and new enemies surround her—the cost of fighting in the right side of the battle. Only her wit, inner strength and determination might help this time.
Crucial Supporting Roles:
- Violet’s Squad—her fellow cadets, allies and friends
- The Sorrengail Family—they will all play their part in here
- Major Varrish—Violet’s new and vindictive enemy
- Tairn and Andarna—our beloved dragon representation
The conflict has now spread outside Basgiath’s walls and the battles are getting more realistic by the minute. We reach new levels of tension.
3. "Onyx Storm"

Violet is hunting for the truth. There are many puzzles and secrets she’s left with. And her bonds balance on her finding answers. The war is reaching them from different directions. So, she also needs allies to defeat her enemies. She’ll venture with her quest squad to islands unknown. But knowledge has a cost. And they’ll soon discover in how many ways life will make them pay for it.
It's worth mentioning, Violet's taken a more leadership role. Other relevant characters:
- Teophanie—the maven dark wielder chasing Violet
- Halden Tauri—the son and Navarre heir of King Tauri
- Iron Squad—Violet’s fellow cadets + first-years and gryphon flyers
- Island rulers—They’ll each bring a challenge to the squad
- Xaden’s closest friends—Garrick, Bodhi and Imogen
The universe is widening. Now, we travel to islands far and beyond. It seems this book is setting the ground for many answers in the next.
Current "The Empyrean" Book Order

Expected to Be Published
This is a five-book series. However, we'll have to wait some time for the next two.
There’s also a TV adaptation coming some time in the future.
More Like This
One of the aspects that has caught readers support was the fact that Violet, the FMC, has a physical struggle, translated into Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome—a constraint Yarros is first-hand acquainted with.
What is Ehlers-Danlos’s Syndrome?
It’s a disorder that affects mainly the joints and skin. Therefore, people affected tend to be very flexible and suffer joint pain and dislocations. Also, as their skin is more fragile, it wounds easily and those wounds might not heal properly (Mayo Clinic).
So, I wanted to share other books where our protagonists have to fight evil while adapting and overcoming physical constraints:

The Harbinger Series
By Jennifer L. Armentrout
In this series, Trinity, the female protagonist, has a deathly secret. And because of it, she’s being trained, for one day, she’ll be called to fulfil her true purpose. However, she’ll have to fight demons, while being almost blind.
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