Possessed (Hades Castle Trilogy #3) by C.N. Crawford

Book: Possessed (Hades Castle Trilogy #3) - ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Author: C.N. Crawford
Buy link?: at the end of this post ⤵️
I decided to find out what was going to happen with the story so here we are. 'Possessed' is definitely the best book of the three. It's more fast paced and packed with action. I had my emotions in my throat with the suspense of what you knew could happen next.
That said, Hades Castle is not what I would call a memorable trilogy. There aren't strong arguments to support everything that happens or why it happens. The setting itself, the world could have been better constructed, specially to fit for the fallen angels. Because once they fall, they don't remember their previous life, their background is completely lost. Their purpose and existence too random and flawed. We don't even know how many they are. There are people trying to kill them and still there are only two trying to stop them.
You see, fallen angels usually show their disapproval for God or heaven. They rebel and fall. I'm not saying all authors should abide by the status quo. However, if they don't know anything about their lives previous to falling, then why fall at all? What kind of punishment is that? What's the lesson in there? See my point?
Moreover, the characters needed some work. The leader of the Free Men was a poor choice in my humble opinion. There's nothing remarkable about that person, nothing to point out that this character has the strength, skills, etc. to rule and lead such a deadly movement. Samael, I mean, he is probably the most powerful of the fallen angel. He is the angel of death. He is a killing machine. Still, he gets injured all the time. His power is so unimpressive. He is like a common mortal soldier with immortality. Contrary to this, Lila is exciting. If the other characters were developed like her, I would be telling a different review.
All in all, book 1 got better by the end. Book 2 improved, things that needed to happen happened, but book 3 was it. I even think this is a story that could have been told in one book alone. It's enjoyable, but if you're picky, you might find too many flaws.
If you'd like a reference on fallen angels, I recommend the book series Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick.
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