šŸ“šBook Rec: Divine Rivals + šŸ”„Best Releases

šŸ“šBook Rec: Divine Rivals + šŸ”„Best Releases
Fae News Issue #22, by Fae Reviews

Welcome to my monthly newsletter, where youā€™ll find my top book picks and insights to help you make an informed selection on what to read next.

šŸ’¬ In This Issue...

  • Book of the Month: A love connection forged through enchanting lettersā€¦
  • Upcoming Releases: The finale of a story between a prince and a supposedly blue-skin monster.
  • Dive Deeper: Curious about the former books? Find the šŸ”— to my reviews on their series.

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Fae News Issue #22 (Video Transcript)

ā€œIt felt natural to [Iris]ā€¦to slide her lettersā€¦under the wardrobe door. [ā€¦] To her amazement, the letter had been goneā€¦as if shadows had eaten it. [ā€¦] If magic had somehow taken her letter and carried it onā€¦ā€


Hi! Iā€™m Diana, the face behind Fae Reviews. Welcome to a new edition of Fae News. Find my book picks for this month and save time choosing what to read next.

Book of the Month

Iā€™ve chosen a book I read not long ago that has captivated me so. Itā€™s Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross. This is the first book of the duology Letters of Enchantment. 

I have to say itā€™s the second book Iā€™ve read from her. And when the first one didnā€™t enchant me, I was a bit skeptical to read this one, and then pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

In here we are transported into some kind of Narnia magic. Thereā€™s a wardrobe, but it doesnā€™t take you into another world. It does transport letters from one recipient to another. And yes, those recipients would be the main characters.

I present to you Iris and Roman, two enemy colleagues or more like competitors who eventually turn to lovers when they discover their deep connection thanks to exchanging magical letters.

They are in the middle of a war between gods, whoā€™ve been recruiting humans to their cause. As reporters, they both eventually end up in the front covering the battle. Soon, the explosions get so close that they might break them apart. But, Iā€™m sure this love knows no distance and sooner rather than later, their hearts will guide them back to each other.


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This series being a historical fiction portrays very well all the war setting. It brings you back to a World War situation and all the danger, death and consequences of battle. The plot in itself, the ordeals the characters go through and all the emotional evolution is heartbreaking and just beautiful.

This book reminds me of another excruciating but fantastic romantic story by Rebecca Yarros; the book that actually introduced me to this author. Her novel is titled The Things We Leave Unfinished. I believe her experience as a military wife allowed her to recreate a realistic story around war, love and sacrifice. And I found those same feelings in Ross writing.

As I said in my review of Ruthless Vows, the sequel and grand finale of this seriesā€”thoughts that apply to both booksā€”the plot was intriguing, tense and with enough action. The romance was heartbreaking, honest and beautiful. And the writing had this classic feeling, with ornamental phrasings, you know like reading Jane Austen or the like somehow; a style more in tune with something historic, from the past.

So, all in all this is a book, and actually a series that I highly recommend.

Upcoming releases

Well, this month is a quieter one in terms of releases. 

We only have two books. The first one is another finale of a duology, this time by the pen of Holly Black. Iā€™m talking of course of The Prisonerā€™s Throne. Coming out at the beginning of March, weā€™ll see how Prince Oakā€™s and Queen Surenā€™s story ends. Remember this is set in Elfhame, the world from Blackā€™s popular The Folk of the Air series, where we met the beloved Cardan and Jude. Only a couple of days to find out Elfhameā€™s fate.


Hey, couldnā€™t resist temptation and found yourself in the library, but donā€™t know what to pick? Download my ā€œOn the Goā€ guide to your mobile, so that you can carry an interesting selection of books all the time, right at your fingertips.


And the second one, announced not long ago, is called Avalon Tower by C.N. Crawford and Alex Rivers. It promises that if you liked Frost, youā€™ll like this one. Shadowspell and Zodiac Academy meets The Demon Queen Trials in a war between humans and fey. Weā€™ll see how this unfolds.

Dive Deeper

If you want to explore more about the vast literary world of Fan-Rom books, be so kind as to check all the links Iā€™ll be leaving below this video.

Finding what to read next and narrowing your options have never been easier. Thank you for watching. See you next month!

Dive Deeper


Check out my review of The Stolen Heir by Holly Black here.


Wondering what I thought of the Letters of Enchantment series? Click ā¤µļø:

šŸ“˜Divine Rivals
šŸ“”Ruthless Vows

On the Go Guide

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