šŸ“šBook Rec: The Prison Healer + šŸ”„Series Starts and Ends, Debuts and More

šŸ“šBook Rec: The Prison Healer + šŸ”„Series Starts and Ends, Debuts and More
Fae News Issue #21, by Fae Reviews

Welcome to my monthly newsletter, where youā€™ll find my top book picks and insights to help you make an informed selection on what to read next.

šŸ’¬ In This Issue...

  • Book of the Month: A favorite and 5-stars-club YA Fan-Rom book/seriesā€¦
  • Upcoming Releases: Saint Valentineā€™s brings romance, fantasy and many voices to the table.
  • Dive Deeper: Find all the links related to the content discussed to complement your reading!

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Fae News Issue #21 (Video Transcript)

"What happens now? Now, we dream.ā€


Hi! Iā€™m Diana, the face behind Fae Reviews. Welcome to a new edition of Fae News. Find my book picks for this month and save time choosing what to read next.

Book of the Month

I canā€™t believe I hadnā€™t featured before one of the best Fan-Rom books Iā€™ve read in my lifetime. Please, behold the holy grail of storytelling mastery, ā€œThe Prison Healer.ā€ 

This is a series of course, and I hope you read the whole trilogy because every little piece of the puzzle has been carefully crafted and put together to deliver the perfect combination of intrigue, action and surprise.

In this book, youā€™ll meet Kiva, a young woman who is now the healer of the impossible-to-escape prison of Zalindov. Her comfortable position has brought her enemies within. So, after she attends to a new prisoner, rumored to be the rebel queen, her life will be in even more danger. In spite of not having magic, she volunteers in the queenā€™s place to face some lethal trials, survivable only if you can manipulate the elements. However, unexpected alliances and friends will help her along the way.


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Why I recommend this story?

  1. Itā€™s action-packed
  2. There are incredible and surprising plot twists
  3. Itā€™s a complex story beautifully weaved together
  4. Nothing is as it seems
  5. Thereā€™s complexity and a lot of intrigue
  6. And the characters are well-crafted

Besides, this trilogy should receive more notice. Now,

Who is this for?

  1. If you donā€™t mind reading young adult stories, check
  2. If you are a fan of Fantasy-Romance, check
  3. If you are more into Fantasy, but donā€™t mind some romance
  4. Therefore, if you are into less romantic Fan-Rom books, then check

I assure you, this is a read you wonā€™t regret!

Upcoming releases

Letā€™s check out the upcoming and promising releases for this month:

From Romance writer Ali Hazelwood, comes her debut in Fan-Rom, ā€œBride.ā€ No more STEM world, no more scientific ladies. Itā€™s time for two of the most popular mythical creatures to take the spotlight, the vampire and the werewolf. Misery and alpha Loweā€™s arranged marriage is meant to bring peace among these all-time enemy races, but it seems there are other secret agendas. Can vampire Misery find what sheā€™s looking for within the wolvesā€™ lair?

Want more vampires? Then, letā€™s move to a new duology by Hafsah Faizal, author of We Hunt the Flame. In A Tempest of Tea, weā€™ll step into a tearoom, that once the night falls, turns into an illegal den catering the vampires feared by society. However, it seems a tempest will strike and weā€™ll submerge in a world of conspiracy, secrets and criminal adventures.

And from Tahereh Mafi, comes her third book of her series This Woven Kingdom, titled All This Twisted Glory. Iā€™ll admit I havenā€™t read the second book, released last year, so I honestly donā€™t want to spoil details about this one. Iā€™ll keep you posted once I read the whole series.


Hey, couldnā€™t resist temptation and found yourself in the library, but donā€™t know what to pick? Download my ā€œOn the Goā€ guide to your mobile, so that you can carry an interesting selection of books all the time, right at your fingertips.


And moving to other genres, Iā€™ll mention three interesting books coming soon as well:

First is Visions of Flesh and Fire by Jennifer Armentrout. Iā€™m sure, youā€™re familiar with her work, especially her Blood and Ash series. If not, you can check my blog post below for all the info you need in this regard. Just know that sheā€™s publishing a compendium to help us navigate her complex universe interconnecting the aforementioned series with her Flesh and Fire series.

Next comes Robert Jackson Bennett, Fantasy author of one of my 5-stars club series Founders. This time, in The Tainted Cup, he brings mystery and a crime investigation with what appears his characteristic touches of technology-improved characters in a story that promises a Holmes-Watson pair dynamic and cunning intellect. 

And finally, letā€™s talk about Romance with Tessa Bailey, as she is releasing Fangirl Down right before Valentineā€™s Day. Itā€™s a grumpy-sunshine love story between a former rising golfer and his loyal fangirl. What he lacks in faith, she provides it for her. So, soon theyā€™ll join forces to turn a half-empty glass to a full one.

Dive Deeper

If you want to explore more about the vast literary world of Fan-Rom books, be so kind as to check all the links Iā€™ll be leaving below this video.

Finding what to read next and narrowing your options have never been easier. Thank you for watching. See you next month!

Dive Deeper


Check out my review of The Prison Healer series here.


As promised, everything you need to know to step into Jennifer L. Armentroutā€™s universe:

šŸ“šAll about her Blood and Ash and Flesh and Fires series, here.
āœšŸ¼ My reviews of her Blood and Ash series: Books 1-4, Book 5.
šŸ“– My reviews of her Flesh and Fire series: Book 1, Book 2, Book 3.


Donā€™t forget to check out my apparel and accessories collections, now with a 10% discount!


My 2024 ā¤ļø Saint Valentine's special post! (Subscribe for free so you don't miss it)

On the Go Guide

Download your On the Go Guide ā¤µļø

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