How Many Books Are in the Blood and Ash Series?

Are you meeting Poppy and Casteel for the first time? You might be wondering how many books you have left. Do you know if there’ll be new additions to the already published books? Read this post to find out.

How Many Books Are in the Blood and Ash Series?
How many books are in the Blood and Ash Series, book order, and complimentary series

Already Published

The answer is five:

  1. "From Blood and Ash"
  2. "A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire"
  3. "The Crown of Gilded Bones"
  4. "The War of Two Queens"
  5. "A Soul of Ash and Blood"
The latter is a retelling of the first book of the series through Casteel's POV with additional insights on what's to come.
Check out my reviews on the first four books here and the latest one here!

Current "Blood and Ash" Book Order

Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout, image by Fae Reviews

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Expected to Be Published

It seems Armentrout will end the series with two more additions. The next one will be called "The Primal of Blood and Bone" to be released on June 10, 2025.

This will be the last book told by Poppy and Casteel. Therefore, the last book will present new main characters.

Note: This is a developing post. As soon as JLA announces more info on the coming books it will be added. Please check back for updates.

Complimentary Series

Because this is a complex universe that involves actions of the past, present, and future, Armentrout has written another series—“Flesh and Fire”—complimentary if you may to “Blood and Ash.”

It’s set in the same world but in a time previous to Poppy and Casteel. Its main characters are the Primal of Death Nyktos, which is mentioned in "Blood and Ash,” and Seraphena. It has four books in total:

  1. A Shadow in the Ember
  2. A Light in the Flame
  3. A Fire in the Flesh
  4. Born of Blood and Ash
You can check out my reviews:
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4

Flesh and Fire" Book Order

Flesh and Fire by Jennifer L. Armentrout, image by Fae Reviews

Additional to these two series, you can also access “Visions of Flesh and Blood.” It’s a compendium to help you navigate Armentrout’s universe, comprising both “Blood and Ash” and “Flesh and Fire.”

Visions of Flesh and Blood

By Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Recommended Order of Reading for Blood and Ash and Flesh and Fire Series

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