Born of Blood and Ash

The finale of Sera and Nyktos story… do we have all the missing pieces of the metaverse puzzle?

Born of Blood and Ash
Born of Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout, reviewed by Fae Reviews

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Born of Blood and Ash (Flesh and Fire #4)

🔗Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Born of Blood and Ash - Audio Review

If you’re new to Armentrout’s metaverse, check out my blog post first.

Know that this is the last book in her series Flesh and Fire, the predecessor—chronologically speaking—to her popular story of Poppy and Casteel.


I guess we add some clues about the prophecy and get the image of how some of the events that preceded Blood and Ash—but still were mentioned in this other seriescame to pass. It’s also good to put faces, voices, bodies and personalities to characters also briefly mentioned in the former series.

Don’t miss my reviews of Book 1, Book 2 and Book 3 of this series!

What to Expect

  • A lot of sex
  • Very sensitive content mainly sexual assault
  • Violence, death, torture
  • A complex and sometimes confusing prophecy 
  • Few pieces of plot
  • Interesting secondary characters

What I Missed

  • JLA has this ability to complicate her plots, adding confusing pieces to a prophecy or a thin line between species…sometimes her narration becomes a knot and thus, prevents you from seeing a clearer picture of what she’s trying to create.
  • I struggled reading this book because it seemed it was more about sex than what was supposed to happen. Some things do happen, but for me it was shadowed by the misplaced and too frequent sex scenes.
  • This whole series felt like a repeat of Blood and Ash with different character names, different enemies, and sure, some new needed pieces of information, but not much originality, if I’m honest.

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Blood and Ash Series

By Jennifer L. Armentrout

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